TWP Data
TWP History
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Open Records

Armstrong Township

Armstrong Township Data

Year of Incorporation 1784
Shelocta Borough Laid Out 1835
Number of Employees 7 people (2 full-time, 5 part-time)
Budget $808,500.00
Acres Approx. 24,214
Miles of Road Maintained 65.85 miles
Population, 1960 Census 1,120 people
Population, 2020 Census 2,761 people
Assessed Property Valuation 2022 $178,942,800
Indiana County Commissioners 724-465-3805
Mike Keith
Robin Gorman
Sherene Hess
U.S. Senators
John Fetterman

717-782-3951 (Harrisburg, PA)

Robert P. Casey

202-224-6324 (Washington D.C.)

U.S. Representative (District 14)
Guy Reschenthaler

724-206-4800 (Washington, PA)

Pennsylvania Senator (District 41)
Joe Pittman

724-357-0151 (Indiana, PA)

Pennsylvania Representative (District 62)
James B. Struzzi II

724-465-0220 (Indiana, PA)

This web site was last updated on 01/29/2024
Webmaster:  Lloyd Onyett, Onyett Computer Services